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All of the questions below are what you will need to answer when you are ready to apply. 


Applicants Will Complete Phase 1 Eligibility Form Then Phase 2 Application Once Approved.

FRACC seeks to broaden and diversify the range of persons who benefit from its grant programs. To that end, it will seek to attract and provide funding under this program to persons that may not have been, or had a fair opportunity to be, beneficiaries of local or state programs. The majority of artists will be selected on the basis of their negative financial circumstances caused by the pandemic, and their readiness to benefit from the opportunity.


In addition to the cash award, the selected participants will be required to attend all four professional development workshops, and implement a place making or keeping art project no later than August 31, 2023. The workshops will be presented virtually via Zoom.



Due January 20, 2023

1. Applicants must be based in Fall River, MA: residing full-time and/or making work in Fall River, Massachusetts.

2. Applicants must be a practicing artist, who is self/community-taught, institutionally trained, or a combination of both working in arts, crafts, dance, design, digital media, film/video, traditional arts, literature, music, performance, photography, theater, and visual arts.

3. Applicants must be a practicing artist since before January 1, 2020 (must have been impacted by the pandemic) or be in a HUD-designated Qualified Census Tract.

Yes: you are eligible. No: It may not disqualify you from eligibility – proceed to question 4. 

4. Is your home or work located in a HUD-designated Qualified Census Tract (please click here

Yes: you are eligible. No: As long as you answered yes to the previous question, you may still be eligible.


If you are eligible to apply (saying yes to questions 3 and/or 4 above), you will also be asked to answer the following Client Contact Information questions:


5. Name.

6. Phone. 

7. Address. 

8. Website or Social Media.


After you submit your response, you will receive a verification email from the FRACC. After your eligibility is confirmed, you will receive a notification email to proceed to Phase 2.


Due March 4, 2023

1. Are you currently in business? (If no, proceed to Client Demographic Section; If yes, answer the following questions)

2. Legal Entity (Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, Partnership, S-Corp, LLC, Other)

3. Date business started

4. Owner name(s), address, email, date of birth

5. How many part-time employees do you employ?

6. How many full-time employees do you employ?

7. Type of business (NAIS code)

8. Gross revenue, Profits, Losses (optional)

9. Do you conduct business in another language?

10. How are you able to supply your tax ID number? (EIN, SSN, prefer not to say)

11. Have you applied for or received any SBA services in the last five years?




12. People of the global majority - FRACC acknowledges that historically, both private philanthropy and public sector resources have failed to invest in, and meet the needs of, the people of the global majority — Black,Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), Latinx, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander, and all other ethnicities of color. People of the Global Majority is intended to include, but is not limited to:

• ALAANA (also ALANA) - African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American

• AAPI – Asian American and Pacific Islander

• BIPOC – Black, Indigenous, People of Color

• Latino/a (also Hispanic) as well as Latine/x and Afro-Latino/a

• Native American (Tribal and Urban) as well as Alaska Native, American Indians, Indigenous

• MENA – Middle East and North African

• People of the Global Majority

• People of the Global African Diaspora

13. People who identify as Deaf or as having a disability. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. This includes people who have a record of such an impairment, even if they do not currently have a disability. It also includes individuals who do not have a disability but are regarded as having a disability. FRACC recognizes that not all people accept or use the term disability as part of their identity. For the purposes of this prioritization review we are relying on the ADA definition as a guide for individuals to determine how to answer this question.

14. Gender Identity (female, male, non-binary, Prefer to self-describe, Prefer not to say)

15. Sexuality (Aesexual, Bi/Pansexual, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Prefer to self-describe, Prefer not to say)

16. Military Status (Active service, Reserve, Veteran, Never served, Prefer to self-describe, Prefer not to say)




1. In the following text box, describe how you are a practicing artist. 

2. How many years have you been practicing your craft? 

3. Are you self/community taught, institutionally trained, or a combination? 

4. It’s OK to include a short biography here.

5. Resume and/or CV (list of artistic accomplishments) – upload up to three files

6. Artistic Statement (optional) – upload one file




1. In the following text box, describe how your artistic or cultural practice was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This may include impacts on your finances, mental or physical health and well-being, professional development, creative practice, business solvency, etc.

2. Upload up to two files with two years of tax returns that demonstrate a negative financial impact. We will be comparing gross adjusted income on your 1040 (Taxable Income line 15) OR gross income (line 7) on Schedule C (form 1040). You can submit either but it must be 2 years of the same form.

3. If awarded, how will the grant advance your practice?

4. If awarded, what business topics and professional development are you most interested in learning that will advance your practice?

5. Upload up to three files to support your application (Press or media from previous projects, exhibition or performance flyers, promotional materials of classes, etc.)




The Ignition Fund program award includes support for creative placemaking and place-keeping for arts-based economic development projects that advance diversity, equity, inclusion and access. Applications must demonstrate meeting one of the two following objectives:


  • Placemaking: With community-based participation at its center, an effective placemaking 

process capitalizes on a local community's assets, inspiration, and potential, and it 

results in the creation of quality public spaces that contribute to people's health, 

happiness, and well-being.

  • Place-keeping: The active care and maintenance of a place and its social fabric by the 

people who live and work there. It is not just preserving buildings but keeping the cultural 

memories associated with a locale alive, while supporting the ability of local people to 

maintain their way of life as they choose.




1. Project Title:

2. Project Locations: List physical area and/or address(es) for the project

3. Does this location require permission of the property owner(s)? If yes, upload a letter of approval from the owner.

4. Does this location require any permits from the City of Fall River? If yes, list the types of permits or approvals needed.




1. About the Project: In the following text box, describe your project, answering the following question: How does your project use placemaking or placekeeping to directly involve and/or impact residents, visitors and/or businesses in Fall River’s neighborhoods?

2. Community Benefit: In the following text box, describe your project’s impact on the community, answering the following questions: How does your project benefit the community? Who are the specific participants or intended audience(s)? How is your project driven by and/or for a diverse population, such as youth and/or elderly residents; Black, Indigenous, and people of color; LGBTQ+; people with disabilities; immigrants, English as a second language, armed service veterans, etc.

3. Partnership: List all partners in the project (individuals, community groups, organizations or companies). Provide short bios or descriptions for the core team involved.

4. Planning and Timeline: List, by month, the specific activities that will occur to implement your project, including the planning portion.

5. Dollar amount of total cost of project (note Ignition Fund portion can not exceed $750 - matching funds are allowed and encouraged)

6. Is your project scalable (i.e. if awarded a smaller amount, can you do a smaller project)? (Yes, No, Other)

7. Budget: Upload an itemized budget for your project, that includes project costs and project revenue.

8. Additional Materials: Upload up to five files to support your application (press or media from previous projects, resume/CV of lead project organizer, flyers or promotional materials, etc.)


After you submit your response, you should receive a verification email from FRACC. We are aiming to announce the 10 cohort members in March 2023. If you have any questions regarding your application, you may contact Ashley Occhino at

The timeline:

  • January 18th - Project Planning for Creatives Workshop

  • January 20th - Ignition Fund Grant Phase 1 application due

  • February 15th - Writing Placemaking Grants for Creatives Workshop

  • March 4th - New Ignition Fund Grant Phase 2 application deadline

  • March 27th - Ignition Fund awards announced

  • Spring Date TBA - Basic Marketing for Creatives Workshop

  • May-August - Ignition Fund projects installed

  • Fall Date TBA - Tax Planning and Schedule C for Creatives Workshop


FRACC will be holding in-person and zoom information sessions:

All sessions have passed. Questions? Email:

Funding has been provided by the TDI Creative Catalyst Grant Program administered by MassDevelopment.

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